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Parent Meeting 10/30 and CTTD Results


We will be having a MANDATORY Parent meeting for all FTC (AIR, FIRE) and FRC (ICE) teams at the new facility at Valley South Woods at 5:00pm on 10/30/23. This will give the mentorship group for all teams to give parents updated information about the teams and what is needed from Parents moving froward to make it a successful season!

If any parents cannot attend, please email Dean Lange at

This past weekend, FRC 6419 ICE attended the Offseason Event, Cowtown Throwdown in Lee's Summit, MO. The team ended qualification matches ranked 11th out of 40 teams in attendance. We were the 8th Alliance captain and finished 5th! This was a great experience for the team and our new members!

FLL 56832 ICE came down with the FRC team and competed in a scrimmage! The team was able to accomplish all the missions they programed and was the only one to complete the Light Show mission!

FTC also had a scrimmage this Saturday in Johnston and learned so much for their upcoming season. Proud of all our ICE Family!!



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