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6419 October Update

Writer: Dean LangeDean Lange

Students and Parents: this is a quick update on ICE events, to help you plan and to seek your participation. The events are listed in chronological order; events and dates through April 2024 are in here. The most important near-term action items are in bold orange. Please respond if they apply. Thanks for your support!

We use the Remind App for Official. Join HERE.

PAST DUE: ICE #6419 registration for all students. LINK Parental involvement is required and at least 2 mentors/volunteers are expected to be present. Background checks are required of all adults working with our students. It can be completed HERE.

12/2 FLL Qualifier at VSW

12/16 FTC League Meet Host at VSW

1/6/24 1/6/24: FRC Game Reveal Day!!! We'll need 1 adult volunteer to drive up to Cedar Falls to retrieve our kickoff kit. Parent Volunteers needed to build game elements.

1/8/24 (thru 2/28/24): 6419 shifts to 5-day work schedule (Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri/Sat). We need at least 2 days/week from each student (one of those is Saturday), but prefer 3 days (including Fri & Sat), if possible.

2/13/24 [tentative]: target date for mechanical and electrical completion of 2024 Competition robot

February Corn Dog Classic

February WDM Scrimmage (Name TBD)

3/20-23 Iowa Regional (pending)

4/3-6 Seven Rivers Regional (pending)

4/16-21/24: if we qualify, the World Championship happens in Houston, TX at this time. We'd travel down on either 4/16 or 4/17, and return on Sunday 4/21. All students will be invited to participate and stay with us in the team hotel; travel to/from will be by public air transportation.



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